
We have introduced a real-time CSS validator (CSS lint)!


Liveweave already has an awesome real-time JavaScript validation (lint) service, for a long time. This is very useful if you want to write a 100% valid JavaScript code. And now to make things even better, we have introduced CSS lint as well.

So here’s your chance to write (and share) a fully validated CSS code. And again, everything is in real-time, so no need to click a Validate button. The warnings and errors will show up in the code/panel gutter while you write your CSS.

We now support Emmet, formerly called Zen Coding!


Liveweave now supports Emmet (formerly called Zen Coding). In order to make HTML and CSS coding faster, Emmet is probably the most popular library out there. So choosing it was a no-brainer! So how does it work? Simple.

  1. Write your Emmet code (in the HTML5 or CSS3 panels)
  2. Select your Emmet code
  3. Click [Ctrl] + E in keyboard if you are using Windows, or [Command] + E if you are using Mac OS X.

That’s it! You will see your code automatically becomes “expanded”. Emmet works for both HTML and CSS. And if are interested to learn more about it and how it works, here are a few resources:

  1. Emmet official website
  2. Goodbye, Zen Coding. Hello, Emmet! by Smashing magazine
  3. Zen Coding at Google Code
  4. 7 Awesome Emmet HTML Time-Saving Tips by Designshack
