code generator

Introducing the Liveweave CSS3 Code Generator


Liveweave now feature a CSS3 Code Generator! While CSS3 has been around a while, it is still hard to remember all the CSS3 tags.  So after much thought, we decided to introduce a CSS3 Generator to make a designer’s/developer’s life easier. You can now experiment with CSS3 gradients, text shadows, box shadows, transforms, rotate, skews, border radius and a whole lot more!

Think the CSS3 Code Generator as a lab. You can change several CSS3 parameters in real-time using just sliders, drop-downs and buttons. Once you are done, just click the “copy” icon to the right to copy your code. Click the “Back to Editor” (on top-right) to go back to the editor mode and paste the CSS code into your class or id. That’s it!

To use this feature, go to:

1. Tools menu > Generate CSS code using CSS3 Code Generator


2. Click the gear icon as show below.

CSS3 gen icon